Saturday 23 May 2009

Pre-Summer 2009

The sun, the sand, people getting a tan. NO.
Sun and showers take turns outside
While everybody wait to put their hippie clothes
And huge sunglasses "and dance and drink and screw
Cause there's nothing else to do" they said

In the light darkness of this place
Iluminated only by the orange red light from a fag
Sitting and waiting for the showers to pass
or to the sun to shine as you please
The cartoons were not under the belt they said

How subjective can you get? How low can you go?
Eat your meal, pay your taxes, be on time
And when the weather finally turn up OK
Do nothing.

Sunday 7 December 2008

Me too!

I want a bail out too!
Baby, do you understand me now
Sometimes I seem a little mad
But don't you know that no one alive
Can always be an angel
When things go wrong I seem to be bad
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
Baby, sometimes I'm so carefree
With a joy that's hard to hide
And sometimes it seems that all I have do is worry
Then you're bound to see my other side
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
If I seem edgy I want you to know
That I never mean to take it out on you
Life has it's problems and I get my share
And that's one thing I never meant to do
Because I love you
Oh, Oh baby don't you know I'm human
Have thoughts like any other one
Sometimes I find myself long regretting
Some foolish thing some little simple thing I've done
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
Yes, I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
Yes, I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

Sunday 12 October 2008

Annoying Alarm Clock

Do you know when you are dreaming and the alarm clock rings interrupting your flight or your diving or your ultimate psychodelic trip? Well, the alarm clock of times keeps ringing and waking up the dreamers and the last time it happened I could witness it. The alarm ring went off to the Sweet Silence studios where among other artists Metallica recorded Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets and And Justice for All... albums. I went for a visit just one day before the studio was dismantled, taken by my -I hope still a dreamer- father in law Knut Henriksen who had himself recorded at the Flemming Rasmussen studio.The alarm bell was rung by the owner of the building who sold it so a PARKING LOT could be built and by the technological advances that made it possible to cut a record in one's own bedroom, dismissing this way the necessity of a proper studio for less elaborated productions. I enjoy the "do it yourself" idea of not needing to sell your mother to pay for studio time in order to record and produce, but I still think that places like Sweet Silence should be preserved because in the end it's not only a studio, a building shell with soundproff rooms and recording equipment, but a place where ballads that made couples get together were recorded, music that inspired people to create, to be happy, to celebrate, or even to be angry, to be sad and ultimately, to think, to feel and to dream before the clock rings again.

In the picture from the right to the left:
Me, Knut Henriksen and Flemming Rasmussen
while mixing the last band to record at Sweet Silence, Nerdville.

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Nothing in Particular

I've been listening a lot to the album Oracular Spectacular from MGMT and the "Time to Pretend" song is stuck to my head, the other songs are very good too, but I beleive the lyrics from this one are great. I think most of the 5 people who read this already know the band, but if by any strike of luck i happens that someone read this and still haven't heard MGMT I recommend.

Time to Pretend

I'm Feelin rough I'm Feelin raw I'm in the prime of my life.
Let's make some music make some money find some models for wives.
I'll move to Paris, shoot some heroin and fuck with the stars.
You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars.

This is our decision to live fast and die young.
We've got the vision, now let's have some fun.
Yeah it's overwhelming, but what else can we do?
Get jobs in offices and wake up for the morning commute?

Forget about our mothers and our friends.
We were fated to pretend.

I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms.
I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world.
I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home.
Yeah I'll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone.

But there is really nothing, nothing we can do.
Love must be forgotten. Life can always start up anew.
The models will have children,we'll get a divorce,
we'll find some more models, Everything must run its course.

We'll choke on our vomit and that will be the end.
We were fated to pretend.

Yeah yeah yeah.

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Plunct Plact Zum, não vai a lugar nenhum.

A idéia é boa, aliás, copiada de outros lugares
O negócio foda é o abrasileiramento, ou diria, APAULISTAMENTO (paulista adora entrar em fila e complicar coisas simples) imediato do negócio, com a burocratizacão... Cadastro, cheio de regras minúsculas que só servem para ser descumpridas, termo de responsabilidade, cartão de crédito, documento com foto, duas vias, assinado por 3 testemunhas, abencoado por um padre, carimbado, registrado, rotulado, avaliado se quiser pedalar...Plunct Plact Zum! Num negócio que era pra ser prático. Mais uma vez tentar encobrir o cheiro de podre com perfume... Ou alguém quer apostar que a parada vai ser tratada como projeto modelo e no guiché de empréstimo de bicicleta vai ter no mínimo uns 10 funcionários, usando como uniforme ternos mal cortados e tratando os usuários como Sr.?
(o artigo abaixo é do G1)

Metrô de SP vai emprestar bicicletas para passageiros
Empresa promete funcionamento do serviço ainda neste mês.Sete novos bicicletários estão prometidos na primeira fase do projeto.
O Metrô de São Paulo deve disponibilizar até o fim de setembro o serviço de empréstimo de bicicleta para seus usuários. Segundo a empresa, a medida pode estimular o transporte em duas rodas nos pequenos trajetos, para melhorar o trânsito e as condições ambientais. Inicialmente, 80 bicicletas serão distribuídas em 8 bicicletários ainda em implantação em estações da capital paulista. O ciclista receberá a bicicleta, um capacete e um cadeado gratuitamente, e tem meia hora para devolver o equipamento em outro bicicletário. Se quiser prolongar o tempo de permanência, o usuário paga R$ 2,00 a cada hora. As bicicletas podem ser devolvidas até às 20h do dia do empréstimo. No caso do passageiro precisar ficar com a bicicleta durante todo o dia, será cobrada a diária de R$50,00. Para utilizar o serviço, o interessado deverá preencher um cadastro, assinar um termo de responsabilidade e apresentar o cartão de crédito.

Programa de incentivo

Além do empréstimo, o Metrô divulga que pretende aumentar o número de bicicletários. Desde abril de 2007, existe um destes espaços para estacionamento de bicicletas na unidade Vila Guilhermina-Esperança do Metrô. A promessa é de que até setembro, em uma primeira fase, outros sete espaços sejam instalados nas estações Corinthians-Itaquera, Carrão, Vila Mariana, Paraíso, Sé, Anhangabaú e Marechal Deodoro, totalizando 350 vagas para bicicletas em toda a rede. Para estacionar a bicicleta é preciso fazer um cadastro apresentando um documento com foto. Uma etiqueta numerada de identificação será afixada na bicicleta e um cartão com o mesmo número será entregue ao ciclista. Para retirar, devem ser apresentados o número e um documento com foto. Segundo o Metrô, a segunda fase do projeto deverá instalar bicicletários em mais sete estações: Liberdade, São Bento e Tiradentes, Sumaré, Santa Cecília, Brás e Palmeira-Barra Funda. Estruturas de pára-ciclos, nas quais o ciclista pode usar seu próprio cadeado e sua corrente, serão instaladas em oito estações, com vinte vagas em cada uma: Jabaquara, Belém, Penha, Vila Matilde, Artur Alvim, Capão Redondo, Campo Limpo e Vila das Belezas.

Porra, essa foi tão sintomática que me fez escrever em português!

Sunday 31 August 2008

Little Happy Moments in The Life of an Unemployed Man

It was Sunday, the weather was surprisingly nice with the promise made by the weather man of getting worse by the week. Actually the last sunny sunday of the year with temperatures over "going out in a t-shirt" was the promise. The unemployed man didn't want to lose this chance of letting his feet see the sun for a proper good-bye until next year, so he went to the park.
The unemployed man sat there in the sun with his feet and belly exposed, closed his eyes and kept watching all the multi-colored shapes created by the sun and boosted by his imagination passing in front of him like a movie being showed in his own private little theater.
All the deepest existencialist questions emerged in the unemployed man's mind, some of them being answered, some of them leading to other questions, some of them being interrupted by the noise of the kids playing in the park.
The unemployed man thought about where this life he had been living would take him, he was not sure about the answer to that question, in fact he was not even sure if he was unhappy or sad or angry or simply in a bad mood. The unemployed man decided to go home and on the way he found an abandoned bycicle hidden in a bush, after a second look he realised it looked exactly like the bycicle he had and had been stolen in the previous year. He thought a little bit and decided to take it home, there he could check the papers he had and compare the numbers writen on the bycicle's frame. In the end the numbers didn't match and the bike was not actually the one that had been stolen from him. The unemployed man didn't care, he kept the bycicle and the secret of the unmatching numbers to himself because that fact had made his day, and that he could not give up so easily.